Trax Holden 1965 HD Premier & HD Special Diecast 1/43 Scale Models

A mint HD Premier parked in a somewhat ‘dodgey’ laneway. Hope this thing has an immobiliser fitted.

This entry is a revision of a previous one.

Hi die-cast Fans and assorted tragics. This entry will cover two Trax Diecast 1/43 Scale Models of the 1965 HD Holden; the Premier and the Special. As regular readers of my blog might be aware I like to collect die-cast cars that hold some relevance to my real 1:1 life, and todays post is one of those. I want to share with you the details of my family’s HD Holden Special.

Trax Diecast 1965 HD Holden Special

During my teenage years the family had a ’65 HD Holden. It was exactly  like the scale model I own pictured here, model, colour, hubcaps and all. It was a fairly standard HD and from memory it had the 179 CI motor fitted which was available across the range. Our HD was in pretty good shape. In fact, it was pristine. It was white over green with a 3 on the tree (3 speed manual column select) and it went pretty well. How do I know…well here’s a little story the the old man and mumsy were never told, but which I now share with you dear reader.

1965 Holden Special

One wet and slippery afternoon, my sister is given control of the HD to take me into town for some reason or other. Now my sister had not long had her drivers license and this was the first time she was given the car without the oldies being present. Oooh yeah you just know that pristine HD was going to get a bit of a workout by an inexperienced driver urged on by her brother.

Rear of the Trax HD Holden Special – You can even see the 179 badge!

Soooo….we were coming back from town and we hit the only roundabout in town(roundabouts were a bit of a novelty back in the day and not as widespread as they are now). Now I’d seen plenty of car chase movies so I knew what to do. As we approached the roundabout I tell my sister, “when you hit the apex of the turn, throw it back a gear and gun it’. She did. I mustn’t have had my seatbelt on because I slid from one side of the car to the other as the rear end slid out, then, as she corrected it (or over-corrected, which is the norm for inexperienced drivers) I flew back across the car and slammed into the window. Thankfully there was no damage done but as we continued down the road I remember looking at my sis and her face had completely drained of blood. She was white as a sheet. Aaah…good times.

The HD Special on the roundabout

Now I don’t encourage hooning. Let’s face it. It’s dangerous. If you’re going to drive (or attempt to drive) in the manner I have outlined here. Keep it to the track or a safe controlled environment.

Trax 1965 HD Holden Premier

You will also see in this entry the 1965 Holden HD Premier which was the luxury and therefore more desirable car at the time.

Enjoy the photos and be sure to see the archive for more stories. Please take the time to leave a comment. Cheers, Doogie

Rear of the HD Premier

Aussie Muscle Car War Of 1971 – Trax Diecast Aussie Muscle Set

Greetings diecast fans. I have been wanting to do an entry on the Trax 1/43 Diecast Aussie Muscle Car Set for sometime so here it is. There has been a lot written about the so-called super-car scare of the early 1970’s and I will be providing some good links so you can do your own research, but suffice it to say this set is ultimate for the collector who wants to own the cars (in model form   🙂 ) that fuelled that argument. The set includes models of:

  • Holden Monaro HK Coupe powered by the 327 cubic inch V8
  • Valiant Charger R/T powered by the 265 cubic inch I6
  • Ford Falcon GTHO Phase 3 powered by the 351 cubic inch V8

Enjoy the photos and I will give some good links at the bottom of the page for you to research the war, one which is quite current.

Ford Falcon GTHO Phase 111

Holden Monaro HK Coupe

Valiant Charger R/T

Trax Diecast Aussie Muscle Set 1/43 Scale Holden Ford Valiant

Monaro Drag Wheelstand


What you get in the Trax 1/43 Scale Aussie Muscle Car War Set Holden Monaro Ford Falcon Valiant Charger

There is a fair amount of info on the internet about the muscle car/supercar scare of the early 70’s in Australia so you can use google to find them. Below I offer links to a few of them.


Aussie Muscle Car War Box